
Understanding Global Regulations and Market Dynamics on Sustainability in 2023 (GLB_WB_SUS_014)

Join us for an informative session on understanding global regulations and market dynamics on sustainability in 2023. Rick Horwitch, VP of Global Retail Lead and Supply Chain Strategy at Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, will host a panel of experts who will share their views and insights on emerging requirements and best practices to help brands, retailers, and suppliers future-proof their sustainability strategies.

Katie Vickery, International Regulatory and Compliance Partner at Osborne Clarke, will address the EU perspective on supply chain due diligence and the circular economy, including significant fines for non-compliance. Nicole Bivens Collinson, Managing Principal at Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A., will share about US regulations, including current progress from the US government perspective and areas of focus such as preventing greenwashing and ensuring responsible sourcing.

Chelsea Murtha, Director of Sustainability at the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA), will share her advice for brands and retailers to stay ahead of the competition by looking beyond tier 1 suppliers to understand impacts throughout the full value chain and product lifecycle.

Attendees will gain an understanding of the current complex regulatory landscape for both EU and US markets and how they are intensifying quickly in scope and enforcement. They will also learn how to prepare a preventative mindset to stay ahead of requirements by scrutinizing all aspects of their operations and partnerships. Starting supply chain transformation efforts sooner rather than later is critical for building future resilience to comply, compete, and lead in 2023.


• EU and US regulations on sustainability and supply chain due diligence
• Preventing greenwashing and ensuring responsible sourcing
• Looking beyond tier 1 suppliers to understand impacts throughout the full value chain and product lifecycle
• Preparing a preventative mindset to stay ahead of requirements
• Starting supply chain transformation efforts sooner rather than later for future resilience

Course Type: BV course

  • Understanding Global Regulations and Market Dynamics on Sustainability in 2023
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed